Wednesday, December 10, 2003

intentionally untitled

wahoo-ey. major extreme moodswings.
very bad for work productivity. i guess that's why they replace dworkers with robots and the like huh? more reliable.

my shit's all over the place

well, not literally. i havent developend incontinency. gawdammit, im just messed up with who i am. kinda hard to draw the lien between who and what i am..and what i want to be. stupid angsty stuff, all that crap about self-identity crisis and shit. yep, im der.

hah, i can imagine it right now. u noe those directory maps they have at shopping centres? with the big red dot 'you are here'? i wonder where im wandering of to next. fear of rejection i suppose.
whats behind me? i tink i passed social ineptness and panic attacks. i tink i covered both pretti well.

i am also pissed because the general public's view on me is that im bubbly. which is untrue. its just the mask people! i guess im pissed cuz its such a mockery of the state im usually in which is hardly bubbly. it's bloody friggin annoying.


im not. u guys tink i am. and its all very stupid cuz while im here curling up in some cold corner, ppl tink im trotting off to tellytubby land on a rainbow.

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