Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Pictures taken during Hari Raya! I quite enjoyed it this year actually, maybe because I talked more with the adults instead of skulking around. Although! Watching my younger cousins play is lovely too.

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Shot of the parents! My dad is smiling, which is a big deal cos he usually doesn't in photos.

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At my aunt's - one of the manymanyMANY attempts of trying to figure out people's timer functions. Obviously this picture failed, but it was very funny! I am under my uncle's elbow, laughing and trying not to fall off the sofa's arm.

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A more moody shot, I suppose? I don't know, I kinda like it although at the same time, it seems a tad unfocused.

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Variation of the above! Upgrade/downgrade/no grade? HAHA oh god I need to shut up.

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My grandmother! I'm always surprised each time I'm told her age, I've always thought she's much younger - spunky woman. I REALLY WISH THIS PHOTO WAS SHARPER =(

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Boy cousin!

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Girl cousins!

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Saturday, October 14, 2006

Evidently, my tagboard has gone WHACK.

So, what do you guys use? Message my phone people!