Tuesday, March 02, 2004

i am annoyed.

yes, i have been pushed into being a reserve for the UN Conference due to some stupid policies and the fact that i really need to learn when to shut my mouth.

it is totally unfair. yes i know it's very typical adolescent angsty of me but yeah. we were one of the first to volunteer but we're getting oushed to the side. i actually had more angst directed towards this..affair but i've already ranted to several people for several times. so i'm pretty hollowed out. augh.

we got our yearbooks today. they airbrushed the photos and because of this technological advancement, i now have chipmunk cheeks. --''

i have been rather slacking on homework. this is bad. i feel the pressure etc and start doing but halfway through, i lose steam and get bored. homework is abandoned for other doodling and most commonly, sleep.
so i currently have a pile of incomplete homework for all the different subjects. oh fun.

list of incomplete homework
1. 2 english compres
2. 2 english letters.
3. 2 sets of bio ws
4. 2 bio practicals.
5. 2 chem practical reports.
6. 1 lit essay.
7. 2 history essays.
8. 3 malay compos.
9. 1 malay compre.
10. i set of chem worksheets.
11. emath. lots of it.
12. social studies..stuff. see above.

augh!augh!augh! the pile..it's CRUSHING me! cant. breathe. -gasp gasp-

i am so dead.

i realize ive been kinda boring recently. there's not much to say other than the mundane conundrum of school life because well, that's all thats in my life currently.

all i can talk about is school because that's all i'm going through.

i haven't written in ages even though i have this really great idea for a prose but it's gonna be a looong one and i just don't have the time to sit down and write. -sighs-
my poetry sucks because it generally revolves around the same thing [hah!]. so id rather not torment myslef by seeing how bad my poetry is.

i was rather pissed at the english HOD just now. [wait- still am]. she was giving a talk how [yawn] we were being complacent and that we didnt take things seriously especially our USSR periods. no, not periods when we exercise russian communism. em, nevermind.

what really got to me was that she claimed that we wasted the whole banding programme they put us through last year because we 'didnt take it seriously' etc. i really, really got pissed at this because hello, they NEGLECTED my class and this other class. they neglected to band us because i suppose we weren't worth it. because we're the last two classes.

it is absolute discrimination.

i lost out because i was stuck in my class where the teacher was trying to teach the class boring stuff like grammar when the Band 1 class were doing fun stuff. if our class had been banded, i would have been in Band 1 and doing more fun stuff instead of dwelling on tenses and letter-writing formats.


[www.learn.co.uk -- literature, year 7] [guess what lesson im in now]
i dont think i would be able to take it if i ended up in some cheena JC like nanyang. the sheer cheena-ness of my school now is... sickening. i hate it. nothing against the people who ARE cheena, but I hate it.
F4! F4! did you watch 5566?? aiee! so kawaai!

..something along that line. it's just the environment in this school. i don't particularly like it.

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