Monday, March 08, 2004

am i getting boring?

i think my entries are becoming increasingly mundane. oh well. tis the truth - i am not a very interesting person at times.

the moment i stepped out of the house today, it started raining and the downpour has not stopped at all for the entire day. the sky persists on peeing.

i think it's amazing that the sky can hold that much water.

rain affects my brain. we were going through our seeds and germination worksheet during biology today and my teacher was talking about the factors that allow the seeds that are dispersed by air to buoyant. the word caught in me and my friend's head and we started going "boy-ant. boyy-ant." it's really a funny-sounding word. and to accompany the funny sounds, we started floatily swaying from side to side pretending to be wind-dispersed seeds.

we did explosive seeds after that. --boom--

oh and then i saw charmaine waving her hands frantically in front of her and i asked her what the fuck she was doing. it turns out she was doing a "one-man Kallang wave"!! lol, so i joined in. predictably.

augh, bio is so BORINGG. and especially now that we're doing PLANTS. i mean, who cares what the calyx is and why the lateral bud is there. or why some have ovaries and how the bloddy pollen burrows itself in. though the last bit was quite interesting.

stupid plants.

im frantically downloading and burning cds.
and the reason why i am makes me so HAPPY.

oh, and the UN briefing thing is this saturday. i bet we'll be getting some quiet country.

and i'm still dwelling in the though that i might just make a complete arse of myself there. oh well.

on the other hand, i get to wear a blazer later on! wahahahahaha, up yours O people who think students like me will never have a chance to wear the bloody blazer [ie. do something tht the school would be proud off] nyeh-nyeh-nyeh-nyeh-nyeh!!
he is honestly, vereh cute.

but after my last disasterous crush, i'm VERY wary about falling into another infatuation.

geez, i scare myself looking back how i was so obsessed with the guy. *shudders* i was completely delusioned.
-blinks- i hope he never finds out how bad it was.

it was a vicious cycle. he kinda ddn noe i existed and the more unattainable he was, the more obsessed i got. terrible. a period of complete misery and yet, i indulged in it.

it was fun at first. you know, the typical harmless buzz. then. . . *shrugs* i dont quite know how it became that warped but it did.

seeing my friends in relantionships, claiming proudly and so confidently that the love each other, i feel very..skeptical.
i dont think it's possible to LOVE somebody at our age. at the most, puppy love but real love is just too big for an immature bunch of kids to handle. i think it requires patience and commitment even when things aren't going out so fine and you know us with our MTV-attention span. the moment it no longer amuses us or it "cramps our style", we move on.

it's still raining.

people are blogging less and less now that school's started. it's unfun for me but i suppose it's good. less blogs to read, more time spent offline. which is. GOOD.
*crosses fingers*
oh yes, i'm selling my cds!!!!
most of them are in good condition, a bit scratched but nothing tht affects the music. erm, offer me a price [anything at all!] and i'll see how.
[it's a bit embarassing cuz i'm revealing my um, taste in music a few years back, lol]
i don't listen to them anymore and decided i kinda need the cash to get more cds.

- Silver Side Up; Nickelback [ i bought it early this year]

..oh damn. my hoarder/sentimental side won't let me put up any of my other cds for sale. i have like 5 more that i dont even listen to but i wanna keep them for nostalgia's sake. like my *N Sync albums. and my Britney ones. *SIGHS*

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