Saturday, March 06, 2004

"I want," Draco said, "to be able to love her. Sometimes I think I could. I can picture it. I think it would make me happy. But I think perhaps it's not in my nature to be happy. Happiness is simple, after all, and I've never liked anything simple."

Draco Veritas; Cassandra Claire

-sighs- i am contents and blissful. finally after MONTHS long of waiting, it's UP!!! happyhappyhappy.
*toddles of to Land of the Marvelously Delirious, stops and suddenly turns back*

the latest chapter is ambiguosly slashy.

"Harry stared at him, mystified, and Draco reached out a thin hand then, and touched his hair. It was a light touch, like a leaf grazing his cheek, and a shiver passed over Harry."

*weeps in a corner*

i love draco. draco is mine. he's my preciousss..and if that's so, he CAN'T be gay. he can't. no, he can't. he shouldn't let Harry CLING to him even if harry /is/ on the verge of a nervous breakdown. they shouldn't trade 'i love you's even though their relantionship is not..homosexual. yes yes, so they ARE close, but Those Three Words make it so incestous.


i'm heartbroken.
i wouldn't give a damn if the plot suddenly twisted and it was Remus/Lupin or for comic effect, Dumblydore/Filch and Voldie/Wormtail.

but it's good nonetheless.

"I killed a man today," Harry said, just to hear the words spoken.

"I know," Draco said. "Welcome to the war."

a bit low on hilariously funny incidents but i suppose that's cuz their in a dark period right now. --draco's dying, how CAN anything be funny?-- oh wait, Ginny makes out with Tom Riddles. *ponders* didnt expect THAT to happen.

"Words were failing him; he felt a precarious and strangely intoxicating dizziness. Aftereffects of Pansy's spells? He wasn't sure; all he knew was that her hair was drifting across his face and that it smelled of clover honey. Am I still in love with her? Ron wondered. She had been his first love, his childish love, the sort of awkward ineffectual charming love most people looked back on years later with affectionate nostalgia. But not Ron. That love had been taken away from him, twisted and thrown back in his face, robbed of its charm, its sweetness replaced with pain. She was a symbol now, of every mistake he had ever made, and everything he had ever wanted that he could not have. if only there were some way to make that right..."
-- poor ron.

i hate hermione.

and as usual, i adore draco.
ysterday was the Career Fair thing. our school made us go in an effort to make us find out where we wanted to head to. like geez, how come don't already know i want to rule the world? duh.
no, seriously.

anyway, all it did to me was make me confused. so many universities, so many choices. but the trip there was funnay.
the school chartered buses for us from school so we were in the buses at the school carpark and it so happened that the bus beside our's was the bus with the 401s [ie. the Geniuses] and our class started chanting geeks geeks geeks but [thankfully] they didnt hear us. so i whipped out a shoddy sign saying "Hello smart people" and banged the windows to get their attention. at first they were a bit startled [how typical] and finally, some of them got the humour of it. idiots.

lots of singing in the bus. after a while, we couldn't come up with anymore singing so me and charmaine started harmonizing! well, actually that's just a nicer term for making noise in an effort to make "music".
i /think/ i have more to say but cant think of it yet. oh yes, im in the UN conference. -phew-
dumdeedeedum, anything else? don't think so. oh WAIT.

was at taka the other day [the outrageously costly and branded side] just wandering around. we wereabout to tun a corner when my friend who was a couple of meters ahead turned to me and said i was gonna love what i'd be about to see. so i was thinking aiya, probab some nice clothes/shoes/bag but when i saw it i squealed.

it was a HEEEE-UGE posterboard of Adrien Brody. how huge? ceiling to floor.

it was covering this shop that was being renovated. cant remember the brand, but the one he was invited to model for.

the poster provided a very, very nice close-up of his eyes. *swoons* i actually went up to it and smacked myself on the board for the fun of it.

i KNOW he has a huge nose ok? it's kinda obvious but why cant ppl get over it? and i know he's not the typical pretty boy or testosterone ladden guy like Brad Pitt. but he looks..elegant.

i think i'll stop at that before i turn too swoony - something we hormonally charged teenage girls are so prone to do.

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