Monday, March 22, 2004

i am a hypocrite. oh goody, another flaw i can add to my already long list.

i ate a disturbingly large amount of food today. i blame this on our week-long holiday. when i was out, all i did was hang around and eat. when i was at home, all i did was hand around and eat. i'd drop by shops and supermarkets to stock up on junk food to munch while with my friends so conversations usually go like this -

"have you done any *munch* homework?"
"nope. i've got virgin homework. pure and *munch* untouched."
"whoo, same here! oh you have Pringles! yumness."
"are you planning do actually do any then?"
"do what?"
"um, what were we talking about?..can i have that cherry Skittle?"
"oh look! 7-11!! ..slurpee!"

yerp, that's pretty much how my holidays went.

at home my mum would ask me what i was doing when i came down from my room. i'd grab more food and mumble something academic-oriented to appease her and go back up and lie down on the floor to stare at my ceiling.

so just how does this connect with my sudden increased appetite? see, this junking phase is quite usual for me during month long holidays but it starts at the FIRST week and typically tapers down by mid-month. but since the rectent break was mere week, i'm still on Junk on Food Mode.
i have a love-hate relantionship with my art teacher. most of the time, he's fantastic, always cracking jokes with us even though he's this reaallly old guy and gives us rides to the MRT station. so nce of him.

but i do hate him when he tries to "help" me with my work. he tries to impose his ideas to improve it but it just doesnt click and he just can't seem to get that.


and this always make me feel horrid and all full of depress-osity because being typically me, i always have this fear of being not good enough and by trying to IMPROVE my piece means it's not GOOD ENOUGH. that it's SUB-STANDARD. BELOW PAR. and the thing is, i dont mind knowing this - it's what my brain tells me 24/7 but for someone ELSE to tell me indirectly [meaning: not constructive criticism], it just kills me.

and i'm NEVER happy with my art pieces. so if for a rare moment i am sorta hapy with what i'm doing, and you just RUIN it...augh.

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