Sunday, March 21, 2004

It was going to be a dark and stormy night. izyanti looked out of the window and saw a dark sheet of grey. she wondered how come she never realized the pillars outside her home were painted grey before realizing that it was actually the sky. she opened the window and poked her head out. a gust of wind carrying the smell of rain greeted as the sky sent down a bolt of lightning. she smiled and went back to the bed where she had plopped herself down. She cracked open her mother's health book and proceeded to tear open a bag of artificially-flavoured sweet toxins as she flipped through the passages proclaiming the goodness of a healthy diet.
i will never be able to look/eat a piece of chicken again.

my mother asked me to clean the chicken she bought in the morning and in my sleep induced daze, i agreed. i had not realized that it would mean handling a corpse then.

a dead chicken is a gross thing. they don't look very good when alive i think but look even worse when dead and chopped into convenient halves. and i didn't even have to gut it and it was already icky enough.
honestly, i was not sure how to define a "clean" chicken. it's a carcass and i didn't think it was a wise idea to wash it with soap as my brother had suggested.

it was a rather weird experience really. they have this layer of mucus thing that you kinda rip off the flesh. and to remove any stray feathers. i had cut alot of tubey things before realizing omg, those were ARTERIES. augh, the bio student in me clicked on and i was suddenly aware of the muscle tissue that had a specific function, that once helped the bone [wing] to move and then my mind moved on to how this was some time back a clucking feathered BEING. and it was now in my hands and i was ripping and cutting tissue from it. and then i went on to wonder whether this was how we looked like. and THEN i started thinking that ich, if I'M grossed out already and not feeling like eating chicken for lunch, how the hell do cannibals do it?? it's on a completely higher plane of disgust-osity.

the ickiest part was the neck. i have no idea why my mother had the neck since nobody eats it anyway. so there i was snipping the fat etc. when the scissors went to deep and out came this think black thread. eew. it took a second for it to occur to me that it was the SPINAL CORD. augh. it was really ugly so i snipped the bit that had come out and BLOOD SPURTED OUT. my face had twisted up into what i'm sure was a really ugly grimace. so ick. i closed my eyes and ripped the whole thread out. eeew.

my brain kept going on and on about the neorones and the dendrites and what happens at the synapse and i could NOT shut it up!

and there was this bit of musle tissue near the rib cage. it was all dark red an squishy. i wasn't going to touch it except i didn't want it to accidentaly end up on my plate later so had to remove it. sensory wise, this was THE gross moment. it felt like a really soft, swollen and mushy RASPBERRY. imgaine trying to pick a raspberry from a crevice thing and when you do, all the liitle bumps on the berry BURSTS. that's how it felt like. muchos ick.

but you know what's slightly disturbing? i found it satisfying to rip and cut away the fatty bits and mucus thing. -- strange -- i don't think i'll mind doing it the next time round. how morbid, but i actually found the entire experience quite fun in a gross way.

be warned however, of cleaning prawns. i had to do it once and now steadfastly REFUSE to do so. EVER. it's even grosser because when you remove it's head, all the SHIT and BRAIN oozes out and its this disgusting mic of puke yellow, green and brown. AND it hurts. they have this sharp thingies at it's head and tail that give you really nasty small cuts that sting like fuck.

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