Monday, March 15, 2004

number four!!

i am uber pathetic.

but no matter.

heheh, i read this newspaper article online which i find quite funny. it's entirely possible that the whole thing is made up, but hilarious nonetheless.

it's about this girl who's being charged for murder of her boyfriend. so why did she murder him? he was protesting against her downloading music and deleted her 2000 songs on her iPod that took her 3 months to compile. she was so furious, she used her iPod and bashed him on the head several times till he well, died.

the iPOd, the new high-tech weapon of choice for the new generation of murderers.
once in a while, my mind drifts over back to how i had used him. it happened a lonng time ago but i still feel bad. a bit.
then i remember how he wasn't a complete saint either and i feel much better. lol.
besides, i learnt an invaluable lesson from the whole incident so it's not a complete..shitty..thing.


it's amazing how i can pretend not to know someone so well. he's the only one i know who does it as well as me. funny.
..something like that.

recently, i've been wearing this bright light green hairband that i bought in an impulse. i've noticed that people have been kinda staring at it which is funny cuz since i'm short, it looks kinda weird when they walk by and their eyes look at the top of my head.

..just a random note.

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