Friday, January 30, 2004


i am happy.

you know what's good about depression? once you get out of it, you start appreciating the little things in life that [cliche alert!] bring joy to you even if its rather insignificant. after feeling blah for a period of time, feeling good well, feels good. it feels better.

yes. that's quite enuff on sensitive matters like "feelings" and such. i hope you didn't end up puking over your keyboard. last i heard, wet sticky keyboards aren't nice to type on.

the sun has finally decided to show up and shine! yay.
it really has cheered me up. usually, i DO link the rain but a whole week of it is just to much. i can only imagine what winter is like then. *shudders*

the weather was fantastic today. a perfect day to spend on the beach but instead, spent at school. oh welly well. we make do with what we have. the sun was shining perfectly; not in the sweltering way or the humid after-rain kind. it was bright and clear and the warmth on my face felt absolutely blissful. there was a slight breeze blowing and i felt peace.

it was a great day. i can honestly say that hey, i felt good today. *beams* haven't had that in a long time.

i had a nice chat with my friend during art about general stuff. what we want in life, typical complaining was just a good bonding sesh. it made me think of how much i actually like my social situation. i'm not popular etc. but i have a fantastic best friend and a couple of good friends i know who can be depended on. so yeah.

happiness galore.

and my art is going really well. usually, i get stuck part-way quite a bit, n0t knowing what to do next or when my muse decides to abandon me and take a nice long vacation in the Bahamas. but not this time! i know what i'm doing and i have a very positive feeling about how it will turn out so yayness.


i recently bought Longman's Guide to Modern World History and was browsing through it yesterday before going t0 sleep. in my sleep-induced haze, i came upon this word in one of the PREFACES.


my mind was kinda plodding throught drowsiness so i was wondering, syllabuses? is THERE such a word? ...syllabus, syllabuses? before dropping off at ZzzLand.

when i woke up this morning i thought, shit there is NO such word! i was quite horrified actually. isn't Longman supposed to be a reputable publisher?? i did not buy a guidebook from dodgy publishers printed on cheap paper. it's Longman. Maybe it's just me, but i've always held Longamn in high regard. i thought it was dependable but i suppose not...i suppose i can't blame the writer of that preface. Grammatical errors do occur, however. the editor! how can you NOT notice a glaring error like that?

singular: syllabus.
plural: syllabi.

geez, and check out the "blurb" at the back.

"Longman Effective Guide to O'Level Modern World History will enhance your revision for the examinations. The reasons are many. It has a comprehensive section on Preparing for the Examination, chapter overviews, excellent notes in the point form and revision tests on the major countries. There is also a unique series of sectional Highlights of Critical Issues in the syllabus, concept tables, fast track reviews of all topics in syllabus, a mid year and final examination papers to round up your preparation. Last but not least, there are generous doses of advice on how to do well in the examinations which may meke a lot of difference in your final marks."

erm, it sounds like one of my malay essays.


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