Sunday, January 04, 2004

werglewerglewergle suffering from the effects of drinking too much chocolate milk when you're lactose intolerant. oh what fun.

blogspot is fucking up again, more proof that it sucketh muchos. everytime i try to go to a blogspot bloGg, it redirects me to the home page.

oh yes, rant of the day: my religious classes.
don't get me wrong, i have nothing against islam and it's teachings. in fact, i like being a muslim. i howerver cannot stand the classes my mother makes me attend. i can't STAND it. i hate the preachy way they teach and i'm bored to death there..gerk, and obviously it's in MALAY which makes it even worse. ive failed all the exams and my mum still refuses to release me from the torment. *sighs* ALSO in my opinion, the way she keeps forcing me there, i feel it;s making me turn away from it all which is definitely not good.

half the time when i actually go, i plug in into my trusty discman. so while he's doing his preachy thang, i'm listening to my evanescence...what about the other half when i don't go? truancy. hey, i don't like it much either. i have nowhere to go! name me one shopping center or library that's opened at 8 in the morning?? *sighs* so i end up making rounds all over singapore on the mrt. i NEED somewhere to go for 3hrs on sunday mornings, gack.

my mudder asked as well why i hate being made to speak malay. i suppose it's traumatic. because it's horridly awkward and being like other normal people, try to avoid awkward situations. and also because of prior and current experiences of utter humiliation.

there have been incidents when certain people taunted the fact i speak english and english only.
incidents when people taunt my weirdly 'accented' malay. i suppose i sub-consciously stopped speaking it. still happens now and then when a word pops into a sentence and i'm still greeted by laughs. of amusement this time but it stil makes me cringe.


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