Tuesday, January 20, 2004

if you can read this, you're too close.

i feel a bit stupid. there are reasons for my.....um, stupidity. ok i'll shut up now before i really end up sounding stupid. whoops, too laate.

fuck, dont read this entry please. honestly, it's crap.

the title; its supposed to be a bumper sticker but i thought it might make sense here as well.

plagued by PMS today. spent alot of time alone and an hour taking a nap on the porcelain throne at school because i skipped malay in an attempt to avoid my teacher and the pile of homework i have not done.
i spent an hour in the teensy toilet cubicle perched on the bowl in an unexpectedly comfy position and managed to take a proper shut-eye while listening to coldplay.

a friend of mine got assaulted by a bunch of malay girls claiming she was out to steal their guy or someting like that. shit, she had bruises and knife scratches and they cut her hair. fuck them. i feel so...violated that they treated her that way. it's impossible that she was guilty of what they accused her of because she's currently really hung up on this other guy SO. my god. fuck. i feel horrid and i'm not even sure why.

i have this habit...or character attribute i suppose. i tend to assimilate/absorb other people's troubles and i carry them around with me in addition of my own shit.

i'm horribly self-indulgent. oh no.

PMS sucketh muchos. extreme moodswings galore....let's see, one moment i was staring moodily into blank space and the next, we were sticking my post-it's on our heads with words like "empty" and "hollow" and sticking quotes of Shakespeare on our mouths..truly ridiculous.

occured to me that before CAP, or the portfolio; i never used to write much. i only wrote for school assignments and in my diary. im not even sur ei enjoy writing much. i suppose i do, since it comes to me more than usual nowadays.

oh happiness. another character attribute: i readily sink into moody depression but i feel the need to stay chirpy and smiley when others are in depressed even if i feel just a low. an effort to keep things light-hearted i suppose. even if it doesn't really work. weird.

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