Friday, May 07, 2004


oh no oh no. my history teacher told us that only two out of our entire class passed our papers.

now what are the chances that i am one of that two?

nil really. considering though my essay was actually considerably good, my source-base was BEYOND crap-dom.

oh gawd oh gawd i really am going to flunk my mid-years.
-blink blink-
what to do what to do??

or i could not care. i could just chiiiiill and go 'duuuude who gives a daaamn? its just the exaaams, let go and be looose'...snerk! yeah right.

as if i really wont give a damn if i end up in some old cheena jc or [perhaps] even worse, in a poly doing a course i have no interest in.
as if i really dont give a damn.

of course i do so what's wrong with me? laziness that's what. and it's even worse knowing it and being actually aware of it and stil not doing anything about it. augh augh augh -

me bad.
me bad bad bad.

me fail?
will fail fail fail.

im just confoooooooooooooooooooosed and i never know anything anymore ______________________________________________

i swear, one day i will cut my hair REAL short and bind my chest [not that there's much to bind *snort!*] just as an act of defiance to all the guys who like long haired, busty girls.

it's quite sickening really.

next thing you know, i'll be burning my bras and wearing sleevelesses without shaving.

now THT'S a big HAH.

and it's pretty ugly too. hmm.

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