Wednesday, May 19, 2004

disorienting slumber.

i am currently woozy from some pathogens trying to take over my immune system. my head aches and most importantly, i am unusually quiet.


you know how people get jetlag from travelling to far within a too short period of time resulting in yadda yadda yadda disorientation? well, guess what?

i've got naplag.

i suppose it comes with the whole package of having a cold/flu thing. let's see, i slept 75% of the day away at school - the other 25% was spent receiving more horrid results oh the funness of it all.
went home, took a looong nap woke up at 7 took a nap, woke up at 11 went online slept at 2 woke up at 9 had breakfast slept till 5 woke up slacked around reading mediocre book took short naps every once in a while and here i am now.

therefore it is logical to conclude that,
Problem: slept too much too many times withing one day.
Result: woke up not very sure what day it was because it felt like another day entirely and wondering when a tornado hit my room and just a general feel of complete confoooooosion.

it was like each period - whether it was 15 minutes or 3 hours - of sleep engulfed me absolutely into a depth of unconsciousness that erases my sense of time...which really is never a comfortable feeling to have each time you wake up.

i realize i have this bad habit of never having my full attention on somebody when im talking to them. i'll be thoroughly listening and replying but my eyes are always wandering and more often than not, i end up staring at someone who might be or not a complete stranger.
what makes it a strange habit is that it does appear very weird to have somebody blankly stare at you with somewhat indifference while she's in conversation with somebody else.

and the disturbing thing is, what im doing is actually etching down the subtle nuances of that person's face for the sake of it i suppose.

i have vivid snatches of time captured in memory of your faces all of you and yes i know how stalker-ish this all sounds. from the way your hair falls and the crinkle of your smile or frown to little details like freckles and zits and the precise angle of light that hits your face.

ooh creepy much.

im ranting i know. im not making sense am i?

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