Thursday, July 22, 2004

i hate to admit it, but it is true and i can no longer deny the niggling truth.

we, iPod Lusters are victims of superb advertising and marketing. *sighs* it pains me everytime somebody brings to light the significant flaws and lackings of that byootiful white cuboid.

..not unlike mcD, i suppose. or fastfood in general; which i would like to point out does NOT include icky kfc. the food isnt great, you can get better at a hawker centre/food court for around the same price but no - we herd to the familiar comforts.

you see, food courts and hawker centers do not offer free toys to easily bribed tots. and the fact that before the birth of foodcourts, the latter was a nightmare of either sticky or slippery [but always dirty] floor and toilets that are the subject of of horror stories. the smell the smell! and erk, unidentifiable brown sludge! -let's not even talk about the loos in wet markets- and the heavy, thick humidity that descends during lunchtime and the unpredictable quality of the food there.

we have been conditioned to accept fastfood.
chemistry practicals are very amusing. or was, before we had to take them seriously because of the O's of course.
especially the precipitate tests.
ooh bubbles. pretty.
wait - gas! gas! *jams the mouth of the test tube with thumb*
splint splint, where's that frocking thing??
*sticks the Glowing splint into said test tube, crestfallen as nothing happens* relight damn you RELIGHT. 
you know what's worse? when the litmus paper falls in and instead of the nice azure blue, it turns pukey-brown.
or hurhur, worse, during one titration practical, the technicians confused X and Y resulting in a whole lotta chaos as we vigourously shake the flasks wondering it REALLY should turn pink be now and later on, a general state of blurness as we stare at two containers of X/Y wondering which should go where and eventually falling back onto the time-trusted method of making decisions; 'eeny-meeney-miney-moe'
we scrapped the entire practical that day *beams*
and PE is even more..traumatizing.
sadly and embarrassingly, i have this underlying phobia of flying balls. i don't mind being tackled, pushed to the floor or elbowed in the ribs but augh, propelling balls!
so anyway, i normally have this fear in control, maging to play an active role sorta during games. but a recent incident has erased any form of decent competency resulting in me regressing to the pathetic state that i was a few years back.
we were playing captain ball which is basically a game with no rules whatsoever lol. this makes it fun because the lack of rules allow a lotspace for absolutely comic scenes of ball-grabbing and struggles, and strangely, it was a co-ed game we were playing.
so there's this guy whose habit is to throw the frocking ball full-force but with NO AIM at all. thrice in the span of 15 minutes, he had managed to throw the Thing over the fence, leaving us groaning/eye-rolling.
some time later, i was busy laughing at something i just saw when WHOMPH. the ball had slammed straight into my face, i think i only managed to squeeze out an erk!
it hurt like fuck okaaay especially since i was wearing glasses. =P i stood there with my eyes squeezed shut because it just hurt so much to even try open them and tears were actually running down my face!
it really was a funny sight, i imagine. me ow ow ow-ing in a completely deadpan voice with tears running down my cheeks.
my english common test essay:

The most boring day of my life

My neck had a painful crick in it, the result of having been too long in bed trying to sleep away my fever. The constant naps i had taken for the past few days left the distinction between night and day, Monday and Friday, disconcertingly and confusingly blurred.

There was a full-scale microscopic war battling in me, a fight to the death between the Evile Foreign Pathogens and my white blood cells [equipped with Amazing Engulfing powers]! At least, that's what the remnants of last week's biology lesson offered me.

I was sick.

Physically sick, but also sick with boredom.

I was now in the stage where the horrid effects of said germs no longer left me blissfully, deliriously, half-conscious.

I was on the uncomfortable and hence, detestable road to recovery; horribly aware of my migraine and the thin sheen of sticky-sweat on places i did not know had sweat glands.
Aware of how every time i tried to read a book to defeat the boredom that was slowly conquering my every cell, my eyes burned and seared although i could not think of a scientifically logical reason why my eyeballs were behaving so.
Aware of how everytime i closed my eyes for another nap, my eyes felt swollen, too big for their sockets. And so, i would have to toss and turn, lulled by my creaking fan, nesting in my sweat-dampened bed linen falling into a fitful slumber and slightly disturbing dreams.

No doubt the effect of the unfamiliar chemicals running through my bloodstream. i gazed at the ceiling. There can only be so many times one can try to count the azure dots of paint spattered on it. For texture, the interior decorator said. Oh i roll my eyes in disdain.

At the last count though, of someone out there is even interested to know, it's 376. That was as far as i got before spinning out dizzily into medicine-induced sleep.

i sat up to whomp my pillow into its original state of puffiness and for a nanosecond, the world seems to have been thrown off its axis, catapulting me into a sickening combination of nausea and light-headedness.

i groaned. i really wished those blasted germs would hurry up and die. i wonder whether they had a colective mind, planning diabolical schemes of invading unknowing and unsuspecting people, essentially robbing them of precious time that could have been spent doing anything but this.

Pictures of Hitler-esque amoeba sprung to mind, as i conjured up images of an amoeba legion marching and singing war songs with gusto - we will break down the mucus membranes! create globs of phlegm and thundering migraines too!

wait - do amoeba have mouths?

This sudden spurt of thought with a semblance of logic stopped me in my delirious tracks. i giggled at me ludicrous behaviour, and then am alarmed by my amusement.

Throwing off my blanket, i lay spread-eagled on my bed. So this is what boredom does to you. Slowly, like guerilla forces in the velvety darkness of the night, it creeps up to you, corrupting every shred of logical thought until you either become stark raving mad or evolve - no, degenerate into an empty husk of what you were.

Headline news! Girl found catatonic; Boredom burns away her soul and intelligence (not that she had much of that)! Imagine that in the newspapers - what a laugh indeed.

And so, slowly i lay there, rotting away not because of the violating germs, but out of sheer boredom. An evanescence of logic evaporating into smoky wisps before dissipating completely.

I would rather be in maths class, i think. i gasped as i fully grasp how telling of my state of sanity my prior statement was.

boredom may really be killing me.


*hurhur what a load of rambling junk. ye olde suzie was not amused though but i don't care! dumdeedeedumdum, stupid common test, stupid essay. am so sick of writing Predictable and therefore more-Proper compositions.


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