Monday, June 08, 2009

Its funny how reading astrology books do help in creating some sense and explanation for the things that I would otherwise, only have half-vague answers for. Which is really why I have always been pulled towards astrology, for the simple fact that it offers me a brace or scaffolding to lean on to, a foundation to build up my own understanding of the relationships I have with people.

Anyway, I was hanging out with Dhaniah yesterday which was great as always, but a bit more awesome this time because we had an episode of hysterically cussing out the world to expel our frustration (WHICH FELT GREAT AND REALLY WORKED BTW) and then were witnesses to a pretty damn cool lead singer-mosh pit dynamic which made for good analysis and discussion on male aggression (lol), and then discussion on things that are bright, shiny and new, and then actually genuine cross-affirmation of things along the line of 'yeah, you totally deserve better!'

Good weekend.

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