Monday, September 06, 2004

today's Playlist: 'n sync and backstreet boys.

yes i have the cds and yes, i was listening to them. hah say what you want but the reason why they were pop is because the songs were engineered to be catchy and fun.


honestly, i'd rather listen to my olde boyband cds than the hip-hop trash dominating all the channels of music recently. here i again shall emphasize how much i cannot stand this invasion! in the car, i listen to *croons* Gold 90 FM because both Power98 and Perfect10 are playing some generic mainstream rapper. they're like UFOs. unidentifiable because they all sound the same *seethes*

and mtv, thank you so very much for filling my screen with images of flashy cars, gaudy bling-bling and girls wearing expensive fragments of cloth. i have learnt that to be happy and be -what do they say now?- ah, phat, i must have an ugly boyfriend wearing more jewellery than my entire family has with a huge car that probably consumes so much petrol, it only serves to aggravate the whole crude oil crisis. and of COURSE, i must learn to dress like a whore. whee mammary glands and gluts!

how can they pass this off as hip-hop culture? like kiss my friggin, wholly covered, and non-gyrating arse.

this is not culture. this is cheap trashy marketing. if you're going to take over the airwaves and screentime, at least give me Quality! i do not appreciate being bombarded with attempts of brain-washing and marketing. what i cannot stand i suppose is the degree of blatent-ness. it's so in-your-face, its offensive. because after all, being the consumers, the media is always trying to sell something to us whether its an actual tangible product or an idea or lifestyle, but with the way the media is using hip-hop as it's new medium, i feel like its being slammed right into my face. there is no choice, it is THERE.

this is not very fair is it? i turn on the radio, its there. tv, ditto. i go orchard and i see all the deluded wannabes in their over-priced clothes rattling of the lingo, pretending as if their in some kind of music video.

i feel like going up to them and telling them to WAKE UP. is it because they have no identity of their own that they cling on to this ready-made, instant image? to be fair, there are those who really are into the actual culture and the -do i dare say it?- art that is hip-hop but the buggers who parade around in their fake Von Dutch shirts and baseball jerseys without ever touching a baseball in their life augh.

and if the guys are not bad enough with their disturbing affinity for jewellery and loping around like the hal-evolved apes they are, the GIRLS. oh geez, where do i begin? ah yes, i know.


who am i specifically directing this to? the minahs. i need other adjectives apart from 'trashy' and 'cheap', help me here.

what is wrong with everybody? or more logically, the malfunction must be with me since the general masses seem to like mainstream hip-hop music pretty fine. meanwhile, i will be huddling in a corner of my room listening to my robbie wiliams[!], britney cds and other non-hiphop stuff. yay pop indie um um bollywood! anything but the Eville One and it's equally schizophreni

fortunately, not everything has been corrupted by market-driven said genre. i am safe. there's still buffy, the Simpsons..harry potter. although i would bet somewhere out there some uber idiot who deserves to rot wrote a incredibly bad piece that was made worse with draco etc using terminology like,

'yo, homey. check out my phat new ride, its' the Nimbus 4500.'
'woah, that's [insert weird term here] dawg.'

ahahahahaha i crack myself up! at the same time, i have succeded in providing myself material for several nights worth of nightmares. *shudders* ...what would dumbledore wear? or auugh, snape.

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