Sunday, June 05, 2005

The Chronicles of Cockroach Love (the highest form of love).

i return from a five-day sojourn into the realm of pretentious writing and elitism, and the first thing that i want to say is I LOVE JANICE MATTHEW AND HAZRI, and i miss all of us already. i can very eaily say that cap this year was absolutely different from cap03, less nuttier somehow. but you know, thanking my flawed memory and this early morning, it's even easier to say that it was absolutely awesome. yes, the plenaries were generally traumatic, ranging from the irritating and bristling to the merely boring, with the occasional interesting speaker. same for the workshops.

but you know, cap has always been about the people. and as much as i do feel guilty for being so clique-ish, it was satisfyingly fun to be able to crap around with people whom you already click with, rather than awkward socializing and half-baked friendships. i love them dearly *melodrama* and it's very smugly satisfying that we managed to beat the khalwat patrol and all bunked in matthew's for bizarre/deep conversations about love god religion and as the night wore on and sleep deprivation caused much delirium and an increase in usage of profanities, sex and all things perverse. like florophilia, cockroach love and broccoli orgies.

hilariously, brendan and matthew's parody of teeniegoth, became the focal point of CAP. at first, it was just a private joke but after the poetry slam oh my giddy god trousers! after the hysterical laughter subsided, people were reportedly quoting and pouring over the CRUD that they had written. so funny so funny - there's even this guy who has a line of Theatrical Terror as his msn nick! you've got to hand it to brendan and matthew - they have reached new heights of CAPdom hoohoo. the absolutely amusing thing about this whole teeniegoth parody during the poetry slam is of course the other participants (i would say kids, but must be nice and all) read out theirs and it's actual authentic teeniegoth! i laugh of course, partly because i know that i used to write teeniegoth poetry and have only stopped because i REFUSE to write poetry. be thankful everybody.

and jc drama! now that was an intense rollercoaster. it started of quite bad actually, a lot of stalemates and it all felt very static. i know people like matthew and myself put alot of pressure on ourselves and i suppose, took it too seriously but that's because i honestly wanted to do something to the standard of cap03's jc drama which was the Awesome. somehow though, and i'm not quite sure when and how, we pulled it off and all our random images kinda gelled and it was just so beautiful and intense and i really wish someone had video-ed it because to describe it would do no justice to the sensuality and intensity that was achieved. the thing of course is that if the audience was discerning enough to actually poke through, they'd realize that the whole thing was not very coherent at all but hoo! they did not, and general sentiment says that they muchly loved it.

if only cjcdrama was nearly as good. to digress a little, it must be pretty bad here at cjc considering that we managed to come up with something in THREE days and i honestly think, not to be offensive, cjc drama never could. of course, it's largely because we also don't have natalie hennedige (i.e. director of The Necessary Stage aiee), but from my three months in cjcdrama, there's a lack of serious passion to bring a message to the audience. i don't know, that's how i feel.

i also finally experienced the notoriously bad cap food. for five days, i went around with a stomach that chronically felt hollow and also! shat with much more regularity, but not in a good healthy bowel system way, if you see my point. somehow though, all the stomach pains would hit midway through a plenary which then becomes a convenient escape! if you think that i'm exagerrating and that surely, the moe would not *gasp* mistreat us so badly, i tell you this and mark it well! today as i was changing in school out of uniform, i went through a moment of shock and horror because my jeans felt much too tight and um quite difficult to button. "how can it be! i can't have gained weight over cap, that goes against the laws of quantum physics!", and then i realized that they were my 14 YEAR OLD SISTER's jeans (because we have the same pair). the pointy-point of this story is that i lost enough weight to get into a pair of jeans that i previously could not even zip. so the moral of the story here kiddies is that don't bother with the Atkin's diet and signing up for all those "slimming spas". just go for cap and experience the food, and watch all the inches glide of you! side effects may include loss of appetite and shitting cramps.

indeedy. i love cap verily and i will conveniently forget all the not-so-fun moments. i love our Elitist Bastards Squadron, the doodling and the delirous early mornings, where my ditzy alter-ego makes her present known. apparently, i put on this strange accent and just um, make no sense.

cap has gone and passed, and now i have nothing to look forward to and life will just be very very bad and i would find myself a cave to be a reclusive hermit but that would mean i wouldn't be able to for the reunions so i can't. also, no tv and i don't want to miss my indonesion soap opera.

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