cue: melodramatic music
My Life, So Far.
Charmaine Lee Yun Hua, Best Friend and Companion Goof-off.
Genevieve Antono, She Who's Going Canada, far far far awaaaay. Great Friends, since 1998.
Lim Yeu Ai, Class Chairperson. Oft cranky. Can be hilariously and unexpectedly lame and yes, strange. Clearly, this is not one of those moments *nods*
Nutty Times, pt.I
Nutty Times, pt.II
Haitian Voodoo, the BPGHS interpretation. What possibly made RMUN bearable (for us), and damn, alotta pricked fingers went into making that stuffed thing. Good times *beams*
Public Humiliation, and Shame! (with AINI AZIDAH, fellow Distant-Farter.) cuh-razee times in the Art Room and (did we do much?), in photography.
Days of Vanity, and going out for the sake of Dressing Up! 'twas lovely, even if it meant that our class(girls) were constantly the dressiest but like omg, we looked good. maaan, have not been a bimbo for so long, since well, CJC. *wails* what has JC life done to me!
simply because i couldn't believe (then), that i was taking a picture with the DM, Tiger Tan Hak Soon, the person who kinda wasted as much of my time, as i did his. nice man, really but nnngh! the cause of much school-related angst because he was the Agent of Herr Hitler aka The True Eville One aka School Principal.
no, Dressing Up-ness does not negate Inherent Nuttiness. we're macadamias, through and through.
...more dressing up, kinda. but hey, at least this production (Woman in Black) was worth going for unlike some stupid school production *coughramayanacough*. and and! it doesn't look like it, but some of us here, are TERRIBLY sunburnt after cleverly spending SEVEN HOURS under the sentosa sun, with no sunblock. i think the rays must have fried our brains.
A Trip To Sentosa (where this time, WE BROUGHT SUNBLOCK). also, a tribute to the defunct monorail, also scarying elderly japanese tourists. also, Finding Our Way Back To The Group Via A Mobile Obstacle Course kiddies, don't try this at home. it's very, dange-lous. (but wait, kids don't have monorails at homes. or do they?)
the abused friend.
because this is sadly, the only decent photo i have of CAP03. 5 days spent, making friends WHO ARE STILL MY FRIENDS TODAY and like whoa, i think that's muchos the awesome. also, very significant because it's the precedent for! CAP05, of course.
where i met! My Favourite PJC Person (alliteration!), Janice. testicles and cockroach love.
(hazri sleeping, when he's not supposed to. everybody knows that sleep time is reserved for plenaries/lectures! duh.) and like, check out my photo-fiddling skills -
doodling yay! the other plenary-activity, once your neck aches too badly from awkward sleeping positions in awkward and stupid chairs. it also distracts you from having to listen to the occasional asinine and insipid speaker. THIS IS A GOOD THING, because it prevents you from throwing solid objects in their direction.
My Favourite Civil Servant! Ms. Lorraine Tham aka thamtham aka Thammie aka Thamster
The Intellectual Writing That We Pretentious Writers Do *snigger*
JC Drama. i think it was just, whoa. from the initial lack of direction and much frustration/angst to the Final Thing, that we actually pulled off.
CAP': where we, as the ElitistBastardSquadron, fully exhausted this year's almost-accidental Teeniegoth and Emokid themes.
i am happy, in this early morning hour. because firstly, i just watched Bubbleboy, and it's just a really nicely executed, heart-warming tale that stars My Favourite Geek, Jake Gylenhaal. also, because flipping through the pictures, i just realize that i miss everybody and that you know, i kinda love everybody and am glad to have them in my lives.
so! i am full of hollywood and nostalgia-created endorphins, and in my books, that;s always a good thing.
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