Pre-album artwork for Dhaniah's band, My Writes. They play indie pop although I think their new album It's Okay, I'm With The Band, explores different styles quite nicely. The five people who read this blog! Check them out here!
Final thing:

#EDIT: On another note, how annoying is it that all the cool boys are taken?
#EDIT: Also, they need to invent a function that allows you to retract an sms from being sent out because you were only half-thinking (although the sentiments were genuine) and it was too late when you realize, oh fuck maybe that wasn't very appropriate. Resulting in an sms exchange that was awkward to the max which personally, made it ridiculous and hilarious but in all probability, I don't think the other person found it that way.
Lately, I've also been thinking about how I'm so limited/narrow in my interest. Which is design, obviously. Its just that I've been meeting new people and they're into this, and also this and this and what would I say? I'm really into graphic design.
What, that's it? Although I do love EVERYTHING about design. I love the sensitive treatment of typography, especially in recent issues of Vanity Fair.
And also in letterpress typography.

And packaging design, motion graphics and the crafting of intent that comes with advertising and branding. I wish I was really good at what I do though. There are amazing people out there and I think more than just to have a brilliant and clever idea, the other thing to scour for is recognition. Which is more than talent and skill, sometimes its just plain luck and connections.
Wow funny mousse birthday cake I had earlier is doing things to my digestive system now at 4:41 A.M. Selective and sporadic lactose intolerance, YOU SUCK.
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