because i don't feel quite wordy recently, for lack of inspiration or more likely, sleep, here's a summary of sunday's events.
it rained, a lot.
as the wet roads should testify. this photo was taken by hazri, and gleefully digitally-fiddled by yours truly.
we trooped over to lau pa sat for food, and more camwhoring of brilliant architecture that is somewhat lacking in singapore recently *coughSMUcoughsupremecourtcough*
i love this shot. it is something about the masses of dark space in brilliant contrast to the light from the stalls and windows that i find - guh. i don't know, there's a reason why i took a photo of it, instead of writing a prose piece.
and what is a camwhoring session by the river, without pictures
of the river itself!
i can't quite decide which i like better, so yeah.
and of course, the customary emoshots of beautiful people (why am i not getting paid for this?):
hoho i knooow you like this picture vincent. so, just a friendly reminder: if seft needs a photographer cum graphic artist, remember who is willing to work for a nominal sum (or lunch)!
it's quite a pity that you can't see his face in this picture because hazri usually makes very good photos. oh well, TOO BAD - besides, i have enough photos of you looking dramatically and photogenically good
so you see matthew, if all else fails, you can be - A MODEL. don't try to deny it, you stood there for eons just waaaaiting for someone to take your picture
Embodying the spirit of adolescent angst and burn-out. after one too many circular debates on the merits of local poetry and pretentious art, perhaps? but lovely photo though.
janice, again. (taken by hazri, edited by me.)
suddenly, she is quite happy. i wonder why - passing parade of nekkid gay men, hmm? i think this was an attempt by hazri to take model-esque pictures of all of us, and this proves me wrong on the fact that people look best in candid shots, cos jan looks awesome here.
kass. (i *think* i took this one, don't throw rocks at me hazri!)
so pretty - the thing i like about taking pictures of kass is that she has this simplicity and innocence about her. i'm not saying this is who she is, or isn't, but my pictures of her always have that quality. it's quite a rare thing, nowadays.
and me (taken by hazri, edited by me).
decidedly happier behind the camera, ja.
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