A few neutral shots of the INDIAN OCEAN. The weather wasn't that great, and the beach apparently not the best in Kerala but is it me, but does the water look a lot more vast than what we see in Singapore? Probably from the lack of cargo ships loitering around and the lack of people confronting the rather harsh waves.
Anyway! The next three are from the digital camera. I think some people might consider this series kinda bland and boring but I
love the tan, gray and pigeon blue colour scheme. I swear, I do have the customary shots of brilliant orange sunsets and a few pictures with BURSTING colour will be out up soon! But for now, take these:

And these are from the Holga! I think I will be signing off a considerable portion of my allowance of film & developing costs because I am totally loving the softness that the Holga renders pictures. And yes, I did get pictures with the crazy colour effects and you will be seeing that soon!