Was flipping through a (recent) notebook of mine when I came across this:
On another note, with the sudden onslaught of university admission flurry of matriculation number-finding-and-registering, tution grants (you mean it no automatic? government give me no money?), MISSED DEADLINES, medical check-ups, choosing orientation camps, probably missing orientation camps and therefore, ergo, eventually, having no friends...I am very, very terrified.
Which is weird, because usually I am quite gung-ho about moving to new territory. But I think maybe in this period of flitting from job to job, I am quite tired of the whole New Kid routine. You know, the whole sussing people out, uneasy exchange of humour.
I wish someone would just talk to me, the way we used to in school. I miss it, and I think in a rather unpleasantly needy way, I well, need it.
Easy conversation.
On another, another note! Look what came in the mail. Right, this was from the Admission Handbook for Freshmen that NTU sent me in the mail. With regards to the schedule of our medical check-up:
"Ladies, if your medical examination date falls on your inconvenient day of the month, please feel free to come at another date."
I kid you not.
Ladies? Inconvenient day of the month? Dude, how archaic - say it Mr. Writer sir, say it: FEMALE STUDENTS. MENSTRUATION. PERIOD.
If we're lucky, maybe they might even be showing us this video in the waiting room!
(I hope you watched the video! Because it is funny! Credit to Hazri who showed it to me a long time ago! Credit also to that single neurone of mine that bothered to retain trivial bit of youtube content!)